By Pot Limit Omaha Strategies, on December 29th, 2010

25 tips to quickly improve your PLO cash game skills

STOP GRINDING, START CRUSHING. The PLO Mastermind is a Pot Limit Omaha strategy training platform that features in-depth theory and practical PLO strategy videos, quizzes, PLO software and a strong community of players designed to take your game to the next level. Get an all-access membership subscription for $99/month or $997/year. Here's another Pot Limit Omaha compilation of cash game hands and Q&A from a Twitch poker livestream earlier this week. To learn more about Pot Limit Omaha.

Pot Limit Omaha Poker Strategy

Absolute Poker has fewer players, but their Omaha hi/lo 8b pot limit games are very loose at the lower levels. Qualifying Low hands. In Omaha hi/lo, the pot can be a split pot if there is a qualifying low hand. To qualify as a low hand, the player must have five unpaired cards that are 8 or lower. Pot Limit Omaha Poker Strategies Pot limit Omaha poker is one of the most thrilling variants of the card games. This online game demands a high level of intelligence and a lot of skills to master. Fabricating a poker strategy through substantial practice is a core requirement to win the pot.

Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Welcome to part 4 of this multi-part collection of Pot Limit Omaha tips. Although all of these tips are useful in all forms of PLO they are particularly essential when it comes full or deep stacked Omaha cash games. When you’re playing with 100 big blind stacks or deeper you can no longer simply 3bet most of your stack in pre-flop with AAxx you’re forced to play the flop, turn and river. In all forms of poker the more decisions you have to make the more complicated the strategy and the more room there is to gain an advantage over weaker players. With that in mind let’s continue with the tips:

Pot Limit Omaha Poker Strategy

Don’t Slowplay

Unlike in No Limit Hold Em there are very few situations in Pot Limit Omaha where you would ever want to slowplay. Not getting value out of your big hands in PLO is one of the biggest mistakes players make and I see it happening all the time at the tables. More importantly than that, however, is the reality that in PLO the nuts changes street to street and the flopped nuts can often be easily outdrawn. By not betting when you have the goods you allow your opponents to draw to their numerous outs for free.

Let’s look at some situations: you raise the button with one of the listed hands and the SB and BB call. It’s now checked to you on one of the following flops. What should you do?

Your HandThe Flop

Yeah, you guessed it, it’s another trick question. In all of these situations you should be betting either the size of the pot or close to it. Checking back in any of these spots is setting money alight in terms of gaining value from your monster holdings and letting the other players outdraw you free of charge.

I’m going to be writing a full length article on the topic of slowplaying in Pot Limit Omaha in the near future but for now take home this easy to remember lesson: don’t!

Fire 2nd Barrels when the board pairs

This is a tip that should be used with a degree of moderation but is generally a very profitable play. The simple idea behind it is that when the board pairs most people will fold their draws because they realise they could be drawing dead. Usually when somebody just calls your flop continuation bet they have either a draw, an overpair or top pair; they will usually raise a set and often they will raise certain two pair hands as well. Because their range is weighted towards draws, weak overpairs and one-pair hands firing in situations where the turn pairs is a very logical move. Here’s an example: you are in the cut off position and you are dealt:

You raise the pot and the button calls. The pot is ($8.50) and the flop falls:

You bet $8 and the button quickly calls. The pot is ($24.50) and the turn card is:

This is a great spot to continue betting. A bet of around $21 here means he only has to fold around 45% of the time for the bet to be profitable. In my opinion the typical player will fold to your 2nd barrel in this situation around 60-70% of the time, earning you a tidy profit.

The conditions that need to be in place to make a situation a good candidate for this play are the following:

Pot-limit Omaha Poker The Big Play Strategy Pdf

  1. The flop should have had lots of possible draws available
  2. The turn should pair, preferably the top card. If the bottom card pairs it’s not as profitable but I believe it is still worth betting most of the time.
  3. Your opponent should not be a complete donkey. For this play to work the person you’re making it against has to have enough understanding that his draws are no longer as valuable because he could well be drawing dead against a turned full house. If you know the villain to be a total station just give up and wait for an actual hand.

How To Play Pot Limit Omaha

Have fun with this one at the tables and enjoy the free $$$