
More odds that move against the player with crapless craps: placing a 3 or 11 bet in crapless craps offers the house an advantage anywhere from 6 to 10 percent depending on the casino’s house rules. Bets on 2 or 12 are even worse, offering the casino between a 7.14% and a 14.29% edge, among the worst bets on the casino floor. Wanna know how craps pros win at Crapless Craps? One of the worst bets now is the pass line bet (5.3% casino edge), so this should be avoided at all costs. The standard 6 and 8 place bets is still there, same as in a regular craps game. A lot of people just play that and get along fine. The basic Crapless Craps game is quite similar to traditional banker’s craps, however it does have a few unique variations. First off, there’s the addition of four new point numbers. The 2, 3, 11, and 12 are point numbers in this game. Since it is “crapless,” you cannot lose on the come out roll. Overall, the house edge on the pass line in Crapless Craps is 5.38 percent, nearly four times the 1.41 percent edge in standard craps. The key is that the craps numbers 2, 3 and 12 are difficult to make as point numbers. Craps shooters in Crapless Craps make their point less often, and that drives up the house edge.

Crapless Craps Strategy

After the taste of Crapless Craps in our Stratosphere video, there were lots of questions about Crapless Craps. Many people – even some veteran craps enthusiasts – had never heard of Crapless Craps, much less seen the game.

So in the interest of completeness, I’ve decided to include an episode of Crapless Craps into the RoadGambler video library.

If you’ve never heard of Crapless Craps, here is the game, explained:

Crapless craps locations fortnite

While it’s helpful to read about a game, it’s even better to learn by seeing the game in action.

Crapless Craps Locations Near Me

This game was at New York – New York Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. There is one Crapless Craps table at the New York – New York, and it’s usually pretty full. The floor supervisor was watching over the game and explaining (and disclaiming) to every person who entered the game that ‘this is a Crapless Craps table’ and not a traditional craps game. If you listen to him, he does a good job of explaining the rudimentary aspect of the game.


We hope you enjoy this video.


If there is more demand, we will include more episodes of Crapless Craps in the Real Craps Game series. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Play crapless craps

Posted in: Casino, Craps, Gambling