Actually Rocket got cock blocked by his old rival Blackjack O'Hare when he lost his memories saving them all. A cruel and merciless mercenary, Blackjack O'Hare sold his services to the highest bidder. Working for the malicious mole, Judson Jakes aboard Spacewheel, O'Hare and his Black Bunny Brigade launched a raid on the Cuckoo's Nest and stole Gideon's Bible for his employer. He also kidnapped the girlfriend of Rocket Raccoon. Rocket and Blackjack O Hare are in a locker room getting ready for a mission and Blackjack can't help but tease Rocket for his choice in underwear. Category All / All. Species Unspecified / Any. Size 842 x 949px. Rocket raccoon blackjack o hare underwear boxers briefs. Listed in Folders. Underwear Stuff. Rocket smirked and replied 'Captain Blackjack o'hare, nice to see you here' Blackjack rolled his eyes with amusement 'C'mon Lieutenant, skip the formalities!' He moved forward and hugged Rocket shortly and parted. The title of Lieutenant caught the Guardians completely off guard, from what they heard Blackjack was a member of the Halfworld. Essentially, Rocket Raccoon, Blackjack O'Hare, and Lady Lylla get drunk and have a threesome. And Rocket ends up experiencing some odd feels towards the end, but that's less important. Based on an online roleplay by the following three Tumblr users: otterlylla, rocket-ringtail-raccoon, and black-jack-o-hare; Spindlewrites (Spindlesays on tumblr.

Quill and the others gaped as he said those words

'Y...You're home?' Quill asked

'Didn't you say that you were the last of your kind?' Gamora questioned


Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Trap

'Just because his home planet is here does not mean that there are more like him, this planet just may be deserted' Drax countered

'Rocket...' Quill started, he wanted to ask if everything he knew about Rocket was true or not. Rocket wanted to say that Drax was right when s message from Halfworld buzzed through the Milano's comms. 'This is Captain Blackjack o'hare of the Halfworld Military, who are you and what do you want?'

Rocket face-palmed himself and made a mental not to screw Blackjack over once he was done here.

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Traps

'It looks like i was wrong, it is not deserted...but have you lied to us Rocket?' Drax asked

Guilt and shame showed on Rocket's face and Quill noticed this, whatever the reason may be...he'd ask later. Now there was too much pressure on Rocket now, so he decided to step in

'Guys, guys...cut it out all right. Rocket's obviously under a lot of stress so leave him alone' Quill said

'I'll handle o'hare, just...please wait for me at the back' Rocket asked

Quill nodded and smiled as he lead the team out 'I trust you Rocket' was all he said when he left.

'Unidentified vessel please respond!' demanded o'hare

Rocket marched to the comm set and replied 'O'HARE! Good to hear your shit voice again...'

There was a brief pause before o'hare's voice came through again 'R...Rocket? Lieutenant is that you?!' Blackjack asked now getting excited

'Yes it is O'hare...could ya let me and my friends land, our ship is in crap condition...'

'Yeah sure! By Halfworld Rocket! it's been too long my dear rival'

Rocket smirked at this and asked ' are they?'

'Lylla and Ranger? They're fine, damn Lylla though...'

'What happened to her?' Rocket asked as he started to get worried

'She's worried about you, she missed you and she thinks about you everyday...dreaming about your return, say! Should I tell her?'

'Nah...I want it to be a surprise' Rocket said mischievously

Blackjack chuckled and he let The Milano through, Quill and the rest came on board the bridge. But as they did they noticed that they were getting smaller! And soon they were all about Rocket's height...except Groot .

'GAH! WHAT HAPPENED TO US?!' Quill squealed

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Toy

'Don't worry...this is just what happens to outsiders when they enter Halfworld, it's only temporary. It'll wear off when we leave' Rocket explained.

The Milano landed onto the Halfworld spaceport, Rocket turned to face his crew members and smirked as he looked at Drax. Rocket was taller than him

'Alright, just follow me' Rocket instructed, the crew followed Rocket out the Milano's door and their eyes widened as they saw the beauty of Halfworld. It was like a dream, perfectly trimmed grass, perfect amount of sunlight etc...

The spaceport was made of some sort of rare alloy, which was obviously common in Halfworld as Gamora states it and Rocket just nods. Then they come into the main terminal where their eyes marvel as they gaze upon a huge statue of three individuals carved out of stone, the one on the left was a female otter, the ones in the middle and the right were both raccoons, but something about the middle figure seemed familiar to Quill.

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Deterrent

It was a perfectly done job as the statue was smooth. Rocket said he need to use the rest room so he left the other Guardians staring at the huge stone statue that was at best, half of the height of the spaceport. All three figures had their hands outstretched as if to give someone a hand to stand up, but what struck home the Guardians at their hearts in awe was that the word 'HOPE' was written capitals that was outstretched across all of their palms.

'Wait a minute...guys. The one in the middle...isn't that Rocket?' Quill asked

Drax and Gamora studied the middle figures features and their eyes widened, it was Rocket! Clearly in this world he was some sort of hero, although the identity of the female otter and the other raccoon eluded them.